Tomography and radiography
Computed tomography (CT) of teeth is a technique that allows identifying and to diagnosing tumors, infections and injuries of the teeth and jaw with the help of a special apparatus. There are spiral and multislice computed tomography scanners, which scan body tissues and create a picture on the computer screen. Currently, there is even 3D tooth imaging.
Indications and contraindications for computed tomography of teeth
The indication to perform a CT of teeth is:
The need to identify nonerupted teeth;
The need to identify injury and damage
To identify deviations from normal development, anomalies of the teeth or jaw;
Malocclusion, the installation of braces and bite planes;
The detection of hidden carious cavities;
Detection of tumors in the bones;
Preparation for jaw operations;
Preparation for implantation, control during and after implantation.
Thus, CT of teeth is used not only in dentistry but also in orthopedics, orthodontics and surgery.
Pregnancy is a contraindication to dental imaging. Despite the fact that the radiation dose is low and safe, it can have a negative impact on the fetal development. Difficulties with CT occur in people with claustrophobia and children because it is necessary to sit still during the procedure.
How CT of teeth is made?
CT of teeth is a completely painless and non-invasive procedure (there is no surgical intervention). Before the procedure, a doctor will put a special vest on you that prevents exposure of other body areas. The procedure requires head fixation with a special fixator to achieve full immobility.
A tomograph is a quite large apparatus, which gradually moves around the head. Thus, it "makes" "clicking" sounds.
It takes about 600 shots in 20-30 minutes of scanning.
The examination takes about 5 minutes and requires no special preparation.
Specialized dental (tooth) tomograph is used the dental clinic "LEVIKA".
The advantages and disadvantages of computed tomography of teeth
CT of the teeth is gradually replacing X-ray examination in dentistry. This is due to the fact that CT has a number of significant advantages:
This is a very informative examination method. A doctor can see not only tissues but also all their lesions (tumor, inflammation) in the picture.
The accuracy of the results. You can define the thickness or height of bone tissue with a very high accuracy of a millimeter fraction. The image is very clear and allows you to identify different structural features.
With the help of computed tomography, a doctor obtains three-dimensional images in different views, not just in one, like with X-rays. The images can be saved on the computer or printed. It is also possible to create a panoramic image of the mouth in our clinic. It is called orthopantomogram (panoramic, "flat" image) and is obtained with a help of a digital orthopantomograph. Moreover, of course, if you want to make an image of 1-3 teeth, we use digital targeted X-ray.
All machines are modern, safe for the patient, "latest technology", and are used by the "LEVIKA" doctors only if there are indications.